Make Yourself a Priority: 7 ways to be successful at it

Everyone deserves to be at the top of their own lists of priorities. But it's very common that putting ourselves first is easily overlooked when we're so busy assisting and navigating the lives of others.

There is a quote that says you can't pour from an empty cup, and it’s actually a true statement. When you finally get to a place of having nothing left to give others, you easily neglect your own needs.

Self-care and making yourself a priority should not be something that you have itemized on your wish list with no intention of completing. And definitely, taking care of yourself is not selfish; instead, it's necessary to produce the best version of yourself.

Check out these 7 tips to help you become successful at prioritizing yourself.

Exercise Your Right To Say "No"

Although it's one of the shortest words in the dictionary, the word "no" carries so much weight. I realize that in the past, we've associated the term with representing something negative when it's a life-saving and life-changing acknowledgment.

Think about it... when you make yourself unavailable to the demands and ongoing needs of others, it frees you physically and mentally to do more for yourself or whatever feels meaningful to you.

Just like Oprah said, "No is a complete sentence." Therefore, no explanation is needed.

Set Personal Boundaries

Aside from exercising your right to say no, setting boundaries is typically another hard thing for us to do. It requires you to be very self-aware of yourself and assertive (not aggressive) about your limitations.

Make Rest A Priority

When the topic of rest comes up, most people will automatically conclude that getting more sleep is the solution. Although sleep routines benefit our body and mind, consider exploring other restful options.

Listen to your body because it will start displaying warning signs of when you are becoming deficient on rest.

Minimize Stress

Stress is one of the more dangerous forms of mental health issues if not addressed and managed correctly. To prioritize yourself, you must become unbothered about situations, especially when they are beyond control.

The serenity prayer will put things in perspective if you recite it daily:

“O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen”.

Take On A New Hobby

Practicing a new hobby that you enjoy is extremely rewarding and relaxing. Grant it; we're all busy, and learning something may be outside your plans. But if it's proven to reduce stress and improve mental and physical health… then count me in.

Create Healthy Habits

This is nothing new. Eat your veggies. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. These are just some fundamentals to developing a healthier lifestyle that can protect against severe health conditions.

Be Kind To Yourself

No one knows you better than… you. Humans tend to be more critical of themselves than what the world around us actually sees. So remember to be kind to yourself. Always speak positivity and practice gratitude towards yourself to build your confidence and self-worth.


Take one step at a time to incorporate these practices in your daily life and establish some new ones. Share your thoughts in the comments.


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